Shape - Last month on, we asked you: should all restaurants be forced to use trans fat-free oils?
October 1, 2007 -- 56% YES "A lot of people in this country dine out all the time. If restaurants provide more nutritious options, it would be very beneficial to ...
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Dairy-based dressings are low-fat (The Sentinel)
Dressings can make everything taste better, but often the price paid for delectably savory, rich toppings is unwanted fat and calories.*http%3A//
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Golf Digest - Fat rolls
October 1, 2007 -- If lately you can't buy a putt, consider buying an oversize putter grip. There's no legal limit to how wide they can be. K.J. Choi won this year's AT&T ...
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Newsweek - Perspectives
October 1, 2007 -- “All the fundamentals point to Canada right now.” Stephen Butler, director of foreign-exchange trading at Scotia Capital, after the ...
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New nerves grown from fat cells (BBC News)
New nerves grown from stem cells taken from a patient's fat could be available by 2011, say researchers.*http%3A//
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Parents of fat children to be given a warning (Times Online)
Parents of 5-year-olds are to be sent official warning letters if their child is found to be obese, as part of a national programme to weigh children in schools.*http%3A//
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Lack of sleep can also make you fat (Express India)
Sugar, carbs, fat - it's hardly news that these're big contributors to unwanted weight. Now, add a fourth - lack of sleep.*http%3A//
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Stem Cells From Patient's Fat Used To Grow New Nerves (Medical News Today)
Stem cells from a patient's fat may be used to create new nerves that can repair severed peripheral nerves (nerves outside the spinal cord), say scientists from Manchester University, England. The researchers say this route for creating new nerves could be part of medical practice by the year 2011. [click link for full article]*http%3A//
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Type 2 Diabetes: What Determines Susceptibility? (Science Daily)
Mice lacking a certain cell surface protein in their fat tissue are protected from obesity and glucose intolerance induced by a high-fat diet according to a new article. A second article considers inherited and acquired genetic differences that confer susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.*http%3A//
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German Butcher Develops Nearly Fat-Free Sausage (Deutsche Welle)
Fat-free sausage sounds like an oxymoron, but German food researchers and a butcher have come up with a recipe for it. But the real question is how the beef and pork wieners taste.*http%3A//,,2828733,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf
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